Hilarious Pecha Kucha: How to Make Things Fall Apart – “Creating Incompetence In The Classroom”

Marisa Constantinides

This Pecha Kucha, by Marisa Constantinides, should be required viewing for all EFL teachers. As hilarious as it is, there is a message lurking between the fits of laughter, the mirthful moments, the tears rolling down your cheeks, your sides hurting, as you laugh totally uncontrollably.

If I had an Oscar nomination for, Most Tears of Laughter Cried, or for Most Time Spent Holding Your Sides (because it is so funny it hurts to laugh, but you gotta laugh anyway), well, this Pecha Kucha would win hands down.

And lest we forget, Marisa still manages quite adeptly to touch us inside, where we are reminded, that this is only funny, because…it is true. We’ve all been guilty, from time to time, of the teaching “crimes”, she mentions in the PK.

Yes, in the end, we get a good laugh, and walk away with the firm conviction, to…”not do those things anymore”…

Enjoy.. It’s marvelously magnificent…

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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2 Responses to Hilarious Pecha Kucha: How to Make Things Fall Apart – “Creating Incompetence In The Classroom”

  1. Thanks ever so much for reposting this!

    If a barrell of laughs helps some serious points get across more forcefully, then let’s laugh a little bit more!

    Happy to see that the message was fully received! 🙂



  2. Reblogged this on The Cambridge CELTA Blog and commented:
    One of my first Pecha Kuchas in 2011 created to generate a good laugh – but a useful reminder of all the mistakes we have made at one or another time in our lives.

    Tongue in cheek, of course.


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