Nick Clegg on free schools and England education policy

Nick Clegg: “We currently have one of the most segregated school systems in the world, with a huge gulf between the best and the worst, and the latter concentrated disproportionately in the poorer areas.”

“The only way to bridge that divide is to learn from the experiences of other countries.”

“The evidence is overwhelming. Good schools need high-quality teaching, sufficient freedom, diversity, and choice.”

“On teaching standards we need to raise the quality level of new entrants to the profession.”

“We’re reforming teacher training so that trainees spend more time in the classroom – and we’ve increased the grant for “Teach First”, which has proved hugely successful in getting some of our most talented graduates into some of our most challenging schools, and we’re making it easier for people who already have a career to make that step back into teaching.”

Liberal Democrat Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg gives a speech on education in England, and the launch of “Free schools”, that is, schools no longer tied to local authorities who control schools via a curriculum or by withholding building maintenance money.

Recorded from BBC News Channel, 05 September 2011.

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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