Dr. Paul Nation Explains The 4-3-2 Fluency Activity

Dr. Paul Nation (Credit: Google images)

According to Paul Nation, “At every level of language proficiency, learners should try to be fluent, with what they already know.” This implies using approximately 25% of class time for fluency development.

What are the criteria for a fluency activity? Nation suggests that you ask yourself the following four questions:

1. Is it message and meaning focused?

2. Is it easy? (familiar material – nothing new)

3. Is there pressure to go faster? (Speed)

4. Is there quantity of practice? (Volume)

In the video you see below, Dr. Paul Nation will explain how to do the 4-3-2 fluency development activity for speaking.

Watch closely, and towards the end, you will receive an unexpected bonus: Nation names a condition for learning. Here’s a clue: it starts with the letter “R” and it has nine letters, with the final letter being the letter, “L”. It has 4 vowels.

Enjoy the video…

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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2 Responses to Dr. Paul Nation Explains The 4-3-2 Fluency Activity

  1. Luciana says:

    Hello Professor Nation,
    Amazing how you bring this topic up! Analysing our practice based on these four aspects would really help to improve the fluency activities. It’s like having something that has always bothered me identified and explained. Thanks a lot! Those aspects would also be useful for preparing activities for assessing written and oral fluency, too, wouldn’t they?


  2. Pingback: 4-3-2 Fluency

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