Unveiling Transformative Potential: A Phenomenological Feminist Review of Dr. Lucy Ferguson’s “Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality” 

This book develops a case for feminist gender training as a catalyst for disjuncture, rupture and change.

Chapter 1 traces the historical development and current contours of the field of gender training.

In Chapter 2, the key critiques of gender training are substantively engaged with from the perspective of reflexive practice, highlighting the need to work strategically within existing constraints.

Questions of transformative change are addressed in Chapter 3, which reviews feminist approaches to change and how these can be applied to enhance the impact of gender training.

Chapter 4 considers the theory and practice of feminist pedagogies in gender training.

In the final chapter, new avenues for gender training are explored: working with privilege; engaging with applied theatre; and mindfulness/meditation.

The study takes gender training beyond its often technocratic form towards a creative, liberating process with the potential to evoke tangible, lasting transformation for gender equality.

Dr. Lucy Ferguson


About Dr. Ferguson

Lucy Ferguson, PhD, is a world leader in transformative education and skills development for gender equality. She has 17 years of post-doctoral experience in the field, working with public servants across a wide range of institutions.

In the last two years alone, she has trained over 300 people to implement gender equality in their organisations, including: Global Polio Eradication Initiative; UN Women; Government of Catalonia; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland; and the Ministries of Tourism of Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Moldova and Jordan.

Through Dr. Ferguson’s work with UN Women, she has delivered gender training for more than 30 United Nations agencies.

Ferguson believes that we are hung up on “words”, and therefore need new techniques for challenging the resistances to gender equality that we face.

Following her training sessions, public servants are better able to contribute to meaningful outcomes for gender equality.

She also prepares gender specialists to become trainers, supporting over 120 people to become gender trainers in the last two years.

In 2023, she founded the network and learning platform Fabulous Feminists, which provides a “home” for gender specialists everywhere looking to enhance their practice and deepen their connections. With this new venture, Dr. Ferguson aims to maximise her impact and continue to lead the global conversation on gender equality and gender training.


Book Review: Unveiling Transformative Potential: A Phenomenological Feminist Review of “Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality”

by Thomas Jerome Baker, MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile | Doctoral Student in Education (Applied Didactics), Universidad Americana de Europa, Cancún, Mexico | Amazon Author

In “Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality,” Dr. Lucy Ferguson embarks on a profound exploration of the transformative potential inherent in gender training initiatives. Rooted in a phenomenological feminist perspective, Ferguson navigates the complexities of gender inequality with a keen focus on intersectionality as an epistemological framework. Through meticulous research and nuanced analysis, this seminal work illuminates the ways in which gender training can serve as a catalyst for social change.

At its core, the book seeks to unravel the multifaceted nature of gender inequality, acknowledging the intersecting axes of oppression that shape individuals’ lived experiences. As Ferguson eloquently articulates, “Gender training must be grounded in an intersectional understanding of oppression, recognizing the interconnectedness of gender with other social categories such as race, class, and sexuality” (Ferguson, 2023, p. 45). By centering the voices of marginalized communities, Ferguson underscores the importance of adopting an inclusive and intersectional approach to gender equality.

One of the strengths of this work lies in its rigorous engagement with feminist theory and phenomenological inquiry. Drawing from a rich tapestry of scholarship, Ferguson deftly navigates the complexities of gendered embodiment and subjective experience, offering fresh insights into the transformative potential of gender training. As Ferguson provocatively contends, “Gender training is not merely about changing behaviors; it is about challenging deep-seated norms and ideologies that perpetuate inequality” (Ferguson, 2023, p. 89).

Furthermore, the book sheds light on the practical implications of gender training interventions, particularly within the realm of development and humanitarian action. Through illuminating case studies and empirical research, Ferguson demonstrates the ways in which gender training can foster empowerment and agency among marginalized groups. As Ferguson astutely observes, “Effective gender training must be participatory and contextually grounded, empowering individuals to challenge oppressive structures and enact change in their own lives” (Ferguson, 2023, p. 134).

Moreover, Ferguson grapples with the complexities of power and privilege within the realm of gender training, urging readers to critically examine their own positionalities and biases. By foregrounding reflexivity and self-awareness, Ferguson underscores the importance of cultivating ethical and accountable practices within the field of gender equality. As Ferguson aptly summarizes, “Gender training practitioners must continually interrogate their own assumptions and privileges, recognizing the limitations of their perspectives and the importance of centering the voices of those most impacted by inequality” (Ferguson, 2023, p. 178).

In conclusion, “Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality” is a groundbreaking work that will undoubtedly resonate with scholars, practitioners, and activists alike. Through its rigorous analysis and unwavering commitment to intersectional feminist praxis, Ferguson offers a compelling vision for gender equality in the twenty-first century. This book is not merely a scholarly endeavor but a call to action, urging readers to engage with the complexities of gendered oppression and strive towards more inclusive and equitable forms of social change.

In essence, “Gender Training: A Transformative Tool for Gender Equality” exemplifies the intersection of feminist theory, phenomenological inquiry, and intersectional analysis, providing a roadmap for transformative action in the pursuit of gender justice.

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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