Book Review | The Multifaceted Tapestry of Justice: A Feminist, Post-structural, and Intersectional Examination of “We Are The Evidence” by Cheyenne Wilson

Book Review by Thomas Jerome BakerMA TEFL, Universidad Andrés Bello, Doctoral Student (Applied Didactics in Education), Universidad Americana de Europa, Cancún, Mexico, Amazon Author and Past-President 2010-2011, TESOL Chile

We Are The Evidence” by Cheyenne Wilson presents a profound narrative that transcends mere documentation; it serves as a clarion call for justice, weaving together the lived experiences of survivors, the nuances of legal battles, and the complexities of societal perceptions. Wilson’s meticulous examination through a feminist, post-structural, human rights, and victim rights lens unveils a multifaceted tapestry of justice, urging readers to confront their preconceptions and advocate for systemic change.

At its core, Wilson’s work challenges traditional power structures, questioning the validity of dominant narratives and advocating for the empowerment of marginalized voices. Through a feminist lens, the book critiques the patriarchal underpinnings of the legal system, exposing the systemic biases that perpetuate injustice. Wilson poignantly states, “Our stories are not anomalies; they are evidence of a deeply ingrained societal problem that must be addressed” (Wilson, p. 73), highlighting the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of gender, power, and justice.

Moreover, “We Are The Evidence” adopts a post-structural perspective, deconstructing the binary notions of guilt and innocence. Wilson astutely observes, “Justice is not a fixed entity but a fluid concept shaped by societal norms and power dynamics” (Wilson, p. 124), underscoring the need for a nuanced understanding of truth and accountability. This deconstruction invites readers to interrogate the constructed nature of legal narratives and recognize the agency of survivors in reclaiming their stories.

From a human rights standpoint, Wilson foregrounds the inherent dignity and worth of every individual, irrespective of their socio-economic status or identity. She asserts, “Justice cannot be selective; it must encompass the rights of all individuals, especially the most vulnerable among us” (Wilson, p. 211), emphasizing the imperative of a rights-based approach to justice. By centering human rights discourse, the book advocates for systemic reforms that prioritize the well-being and autonomy of survivors.

Furthermore, “We Are The Evidence” resonates with victim rights advocacy, amplifying the voices of those often silenced by the legal system. Wilson poetically declares, “Our scars are not marks of shame but badges of resilience, testaments to our unwavering courage in the face of adversity” (Wilson, p. 291), reframing perceptions of victimhood as acts of strength rather than weakness. Through this lens, the book empowers survivors to reclaim their agency and demand accountability from perpetrators and institutions alike.

Finally, Wilson’s intersectional epistemological approach underscores the interconnected nature of oppression, acknowledging the intersecting identities that shape individuals’ experiences of injustice. She eloquently states, “Our struggles are not isolated incidents but manifestations of intersecting systems of power that perpetuate inequality” (Wilson, p. 349), highlighting the need for an inclusive and intersectional approach to justice. By recognizing the complexities of identity, “We Are The Evidence” paves the way for a more nuanced understanding of social justice that acknowledges and addresses the intersecting forms of oppression faced by marginalized communities.

In conclusion, “We Are The Evidence” by Cheyenne Wilson is a tour de force that transcends conventional boundaries, offering a comprehensive examination of justice through multiple lenses. By foregrounding the voices of survivors and challenging entrenched power structures, Wilson invites readers to embark on a journey of self-reflection and advocacy. This book will undoubtedly resonate with scholars, activists, policymakers, and anyone committed to creating a more just and equitable society. As Wilson poignantly reminds us, “Our stories are not just evidence; they are catalysts for change” (Wilson, p. 412).

About Cheyenne Wilson

As the author of “We Are the Evidence: A Handbook for Finding Your Way After Sexual Assault,” I am deeply committed to providing support and resources for survivors on their journey toward healing, justice, and empowerment. With a background in social services and a BSN RN, I bring a unique blend of compassion, expertise, and firsthand experience to my work.

My career trajectory has been guided by a genuine desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those impacted by sexual violence. From my early days in social services to my current role as a registered nurse and author, I have dedicated myself to advocating for systemic change and creating safe spaces for survivors to heal and thrive.

Outside of my professional endeavors, I am an avid reader, constantly seeking opportunities for personal growth and learning. I believe in the power of education, both in terms of raising awareness about sexual violence and equipping individuals with the tools they need to support survivors effectively.

I believe in the power of genuine connection, and I am energized by connecting with people who also believe they can make a difference, I’m honored to be part of a community of change-makers who are dedicated to creating a safer, more supportive world for all. Let’s connect and collaborate in how we can create change.

A necessary, reassuring guide for all sexual assault survivors in need of immediate emotional and legal support post assault, and in the months and years after.

We Are the Evidence is the first comprehensive resource for survivors of sexual assault. Written with conviction and compassion by Cheyenne Wilson, a registered nurse and survivor of sexual  assault, this handbook contains everything victims and advocates need to know to navigate the tumultuous times that follow an assault. Within, there’s advice for:

  • The appropriate steps to take immediately after an assault
  • Disclosing your assault how and when you choose
  • How to pursue justice and navigate the legal system
  • Beginning the healing process and reclaiming your power 

Throughout, you’ll find exercises, opportunities to rest, and invaluable guidance from experts like attorneys, detectives and therapists. Voices from other sexual assault survivors also lend their support. 

Meant to be easily accessible, everything is organized for you to go right to the topic you most need guidance for, no matter where you are on your healing journey. You deserve to be heard, believed, and supported. 

Editorial Reviews


“In a world that can be callous and dismissive of rape victims and their experiences, Cheyenne is a light in the darkness.  Her book, and her experience, illustrates that rape victims have the strength to move mountains, and the power to change the world. I couldn’t be prouder of Cheyenne for producing this work, for being that voice, and for shining her light, as bright as can be.”  ―Michael Thurston, Deputy District Attorney, Sensitive Crimes Unit, Waukesha County District Attorney’s Office

“We are the Evidence is a compassionate guide for survivors navigating a trauma that no one should have to experience. In addition to being a valuable resource, this book offers helpful advice from experts along with insights and encouragement from other survivors.”―Patricia Bathory, MBA, MACP, CCC, relationship expert, speaker, and author of Connected: Building Relationships to Achieve Success and Make a Lasting Impact

 “As a sexual assault survivor and an RN, Cheyenne Wilson empowers other survivors with knowledge, while respecting their unique experience of trauma and healing. This book addresses the physical, mental and emotional challenges that trauma survivors face and provides supportive guidance for the different paths that can be taken in healing.”―Breanna Heisterkamp, BSN, RN, PHN, SANE-A, SANE-P

About the Author

Cheyenne Wilson BSN, founder of We are the Evidence, is on a mission to raise awareness about the reality of sexual assault, eliminate the stigma associated with being a victim of this violent crime, and make lasting changes in the justice and healthcare systems. Cheyenne earned her Bachelors in Psychology and worked in social services before pursuing a career in nursing. 

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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