Book Review | Unveiling Antisexist Discourses: A Feminist Exploration of Dr. Lynn Schmidt’s “Antisexist: Challenge Sexism, Champion Women’s Rights, and Create Equality”

Book Review by Thomas Jerome Baker, MA TEFL, Universidad Andrés Bello, Doctoral Student (Applied Didactics in Education), Universidad Americana de Europa, Cancún, Mexico, Amazon Author and Past-President 2010-2011, TESOL Chile


In the landscape of feminist literature, Dr. Lynn Schmidt’s “Antisexist” emerges as a beacon, offering a nuanced exploration of gender dynamics through the lens of grounded theory, intersectionality, and post-structuralism. This seminal work not only dissects the multifaceted nature of sexism but also provides a compelling roadmap for dismantling patriarchal structures. Schmidt’s meticulous analysis transcends conventional paradigms, inviting readers to critically engage with the complexities of gendered power dynamics.

At the heart of “Antisexist” lies Schmidt’s commitment to grounding theoretical frameworks in lived experiences. Through meticulous research and rigorous analysis, Schmidt uncovers the intricate ways in which sexism permeates various facets of society. She astutely observes, “Sexism operates insidiously, shaping our perceptions and behaviors in ways often unnoticed by the untrained eye” (Schmidt, 2019, p. 32). This quote encapsulates Schmidt’s dedication to unraveling the subtle manifestations of sexism, underscoring the importance of adopting an intersectional approach that acknowledges the interconnectedness of gender with race, class, sexuality, and other axes of identity.

Furthermore, Schmidt’s post-structuralist perspective challenges essentialist notions of gender, deconstructing binary understandings in favor of fluid and multiplicitous identities. As she aptly notes, “The gender binary is a construct designed to uphold power hierarchies, relegating individuals to predefined roles based on arbitrary criteria” (Schmidt, 2019, p. 78). By interrogating the socially constructed nature of gender, Schmidt empowers readers to reconceptualize identity beyond limiting binaries, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

One of the most compelling aspects of “Antisexist” is Schmidt’s unwavering commitment to feminist praxis. Rather than passively analyzing gender dynamics, Schmidt calls upon readers to actively engage in dismantling oppressive structures. She asserts, “Feminism is not merely a theoretical framework; it is a call to action, demanding collective resistance against systems of domination” (Schmidt, 2019, p. 145). This emphasis on praxis underscores the transformative potential of feminism, inspiring readers to translate theory into tangible social change.

“Antisexist” is indispensable reading for scholars, activists, and practitioners alike. Its rigorous theoretical framework, intersectional analysis, and feminist praxis make it a valuable resource for anyone committed to challenging sexism and fostering gender equity. Additionally, its accessible language and engaging narrative style make it suitable for both academic and general audiences. Whether you’re a seasoned feminist scholar or a newcomer to gender studies, “Antisexist” offers invaluable insights that will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of gender dynamics and inspire meaningful action.

In conclusion, Dr. Lynn Schmidt’s “Antisexist” stands as a groundbreaking contribution to feminist literature, offering a comprehensive exploration of gender dynamics through a grounded theory, intersectional, and post-structural lens. With its incisive analysis, compelling arguments, and call to feminist praxis, “Antisexist” is a must-read for anyone committed to dismantling patriarchal structures and advancing gender equity. As Schmidt eloquently articulates, “In the struggle against sexism, knowledge is our most powerful weapon” (Schmidt, 2019, p. 212).


Antisexist provides men and women with an understanding of how sexist behaviors harm women and girls, along with helpful action steps to manage sexism. Powerful stories from diverse individuals illustrate the global impact of sexism. 

Antisexist explores the intersection of sexism with other biases, including racism, ableism, ageism, and sexual orientation. Tips are given for being antisexist by challenging sexism, championing women’s rights, and creating equality.

Choose to be antisexist and create a safe and equitable world for women and girls.

Editorial Reviews


“If you read only one thing this year, read Antisexist. Beautifully written, yet mincing no words when it comes to holding the reader accountable, this book makes the business, moral, and personal case for combatting sexist attitudes and behaviors in our own lives and communities. The pages are jam-packed with poignant stories from women about the lived experience of sexism-often exacerbated by intersectional identities-and men at various stages in their own journey as accomplices and co-conspirators for change. We all own responsibility for banishing sexism, and this amazing book is where our antisexist journey begins.”

-W. Brad Johnson, PhD, Professor, United States Naval Academy, and Faculty Associate, Johns Hopkins University, coauthor of Good Guys: How Men Can Be Better Allies for Women in the Workplace

“It’s not enough to not be sexist. We need more antisexists. Antisexists speak up and advocate for real systemic change. Dr. Schmidt lays out the action plan for all humans to be active allies against sexism.”

-Julie Kratz, author of Allyship in Action and gender equity advocate and speaker

“With Antisexist, Lynn Schmidt has delivered a much-needed new toolkit that is a concise and practical guide for anyone who wants to truly “show up” and take action as a co-conspirator and collaborator with women to stamp out sexism. Men and women ready to launch their journey toward being antisexist will find this book filled with relatable experiences and actionable strategies for translating their good intentions into meaningful action and outcomes. A must-read for any manager or leader!”

-David G. Smith, PhD, Associate Professor in the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and co-author of Good Guys: How Men Can Become Better Allies for Women in the Workplace

“Antisexist is the book that every senior leader working to achieve gender equality in their workplace should read. It is compelling, concise, and actionable. Dr. Schmidt makes being antisexist accessible to everyone.”

Marie HemingwayFounder and CTO, Speak Out Revolution

“Men will find Antisexist sobering, humbling, and challenging-analogous to the way that George Floyd’s murder was in prompting soul-searching and self-reflection about white privilege. Antisexist will turbo-charge men as allies in the fight against sexism and gender inequity. Women will be inspired by Dr. Schmidt’s passion and wisdom for her mission of transforming helplessness to hopefulness, despair into determination, anger into action.”

Rick Brandon, PhD, President, Brandon Partners, author of Straight Talk

About the Author

Dr. Lynn Schmidt is an award-wining author of six books. Thriving from A to Z: Best Practices to Increase Resilience, Satisfaction, and Success won three literary awards as best book for personal development.

Her fourth book, Shift Into Thrive: Six Strategies for Women to Unlock the Power of Resiliency, won six literary awards and was listed in as one of the top 60 books about leadership and business written by women.

Lynn’s career has been focused on developing leaders in Fortune 500 companies, non-profits, and academia. She is an experienced executive coach and assists men and women in creating careers accompanied by growth. Lynn has a passion for helping women overcome barriers and achieve success. She is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter at conferences worldwide.

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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