For the sake of our now fragile democracy, #Vote #JoeBidenForPresident

Source: Palm Beach Post EDITORIALS

Post endorses: For the sake of our now fragile democracy, Biden for president

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks after touring International Union of Operating Engineers Local 66, on Wednesday, in New Alexandria, Pa. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Rarely have so many Americans yearned so strongly to remove a sitting president.

Count The Palm Beach Post Editorial Board among them.

Donald J. Trump’s intentionally divisive presidency is hurtling us toward the most alarming threat to American democracy that any of us has ever seen.

For the first time, we have a president who cannot bring himself to commit to the peaceful transition of power. 

In many other countries, across many centuries, this road often has led to bloodshed, to tyranny.

This is our moment — now — to stand up for democracy.

To stand up, each of us, for dignity, civility and competence. To stand up for the hope of an America where we might solve the many problems we face with dialogue and give-and-take and honesty. 

It is time to vote for Joseph R. Biden.

Biden may not be perfect — Lord knows he is an awkward debater — but he has vowed to be a president for the whole country, not just the sections that voted for him. That’s what presidents are supposed to do.

He’ll serve not just the wealthy, not just those white voters who fear losing their status in a nation turning more multicultural, but the whole of us. That’s what the head of this rainbow of a nation, its motto “Out of Many, One,” is supposed to do.

Biden will look to strengthen our international alliances. He will stand up to illiberal, autocratic leaders such as Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdoğan. He’ll rebuild the gutted State Department. That’s what the leader of the Free World is supposed to do.

He will fight for environmental protections for our air and water, and encourage efforts to cut carbon emissions to curb climate change. That’s what the steward of Earth’s richest country is supposed to do.

He will heed the advice of scientists to protect public health, push to increase access to affordable health care for everyone, fight for reasonable and popular measures for gun safety. That’s what the leader of any modern, developed nation is supposed to do.

Biden will conduct his office by doing the required work, such as reading the daily intelligence briefings. He’ll let economists and other government experts do their jobs, including delivering unflattering news without threat of being fired or Twitter-shamed. That’s what the head of a credible executive branch is supposed to do.

He will help this nation undertake a long-overdue reckoning with its history of slavery and Jim Crow — and their legacies of deep-rooted inequalities that bedevil our society still. Because that’s what people who hold a true faith in the American idea are supposed to do.

He will regard the free press not as an “enemy of the people” or a purveyor of “fake news” but as a necessary check on government corruption or misconduct. Because that’s what the highest official who swears to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” is supposed to do.

He will nominate judges who care about protecting voting rights, women’s rights and the ability of workers to fight back against unfair labor practices. Who perceive the dangers of corporate power. Because that’s where the leader of a “government of the people” is supposed to stand.

And Biden will restore dignity and humility to an office that now commodifies its prestige for personal profits and imagines the presidency as a reality TV show. 

Because that’s what a man who has chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and who served admirably for eight years as vice president, can be expected to do.

We have had nearly four years of nonstop crises, most of it manufactured by the man in the White House — a man who, when faced with a real crisis, the coronavirus pandemic, has failed miserably. 

The more than 212,000 dead on Donald Trump’s watch will blot the history of this presidency forever.

A sad fact made worse by Trump’s downplaying of the virus, even after he, First Lady Melania Trump and a host of White House insiders fell victim to the disease.

Democratic voters chose Joe Biden out of an original 29 candidates in the primaries — including in Palm Beach County with 69.6% of the vote — because they perceived him to be the best hope of returning the United States to a sense of normalcy, while also moving the country forward on long-delayed problems such as sea-level rise, affordable health care, immigration, gun safety and racial inequities.

He is no puppet of the left; ask any supporter of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren how much fundamental change they expect in a Biden presidency. 

He is, instead, a genuinely decent man with open-hearted instincts on social policy, tempered by a cautious sense of respect for the Washington institutions in which he has served for nearly 50 years.

At this moment, a Biden victory is all that prevents this nation and our democracy from being disfigured, perhaps beyond recognition, by another four years of official lies, numbing incompetence, growing repression and a tragic loss of American standing around the world.  

Joe Biden has our endorsement, and our prayers.

Watch our Facebook Live: 

Join Palm Beach Post Editorial Board members Rick Christie and Howard Goodman in a Facebook Live discussion today at 1 p.m. about the newspaper’s endorsement of Joe Biden for president of the United States. It’s not just about politics, it’s about character and the future of our democracy.

Where to watch: The Palm Beach Post’ Facebook page

When: Today, Friday, Oct. 9 at 1 p.m.

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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