A Large Can Of WhoopA$$ For Donald Trump And The Republicans: #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica

Vote Early. Help America Find Her Way Out of the Darkness and Into The Light!

I voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I did this from the comfort of my living room in Santiago, Chile. I voted to save American democracy. The United States of America will exist in name only if Donald Trump is elected for another 4 – year – term.

So, I proudly voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


I didn’t vote against Trump.

I voted for American democracy.

Yes, as an African American born in the 1960’s, I too would have willingly crawled over broken glass and run through a fire with gasoline soaked drawers in order to vote for American democracy.

Interestingly, many white people, Lifelong Republicans, feel the same way I do.

Joe Biden’s vision of what America can was, is, and can be rhymes with my vision of what America was, is, and still can be.

Likewise, Kamala Harris´vision of what America was, is, and still can be rhymes with my vision of what America was, is, and still can be.

I was very lucky. I know that, and again, I am ashamed of how easy it was for me to vote.

I registered to vote on line in my home state at the website https://iwillvote.com/ .

My ballot was delivered to me via email from the state of California.

I marked my selections, printed my ballot, and sent it in by Fedex.

Four days later, I was notified my ballot was recieved and it would be counted.

No, I didn’t even have to #StrollToThePolls.

Voting, for me, was pure, effortless, pleasure…

It should be that way for every American citizen.

I voted fully informed of every candidate and every issue on the ballot.

The Democrats – the democratic candidate – in each instance, rhymed with my understanding of where America has her best opportunity to thrive in the future.

I voted for democracy.

I voted for decency.

I voted for dignity.

Not one single Republican candidate on the ballot offered the sacred trinity of democracy, decency, and dignity. I voted accordingly.

Look closely at your ballot when you get it. Examine it thoroughly.

You can NOT find the 3D’s in the Republican candidates.

If you look carefully through the lens of democracy, how can a party that practices voter suppression and disenfranchisement offer democracy to an enlightened voter?

If you look for decency, you will find the opposite – indecency – in the Republican candidate. How can you support a candidate whose party openly abuses power as they see fit in order to achieve their goals?

Flasback to 2016: No Supreme Court Justice in the final year. You remember that? The McConnell rule. Lindsey Graham. Remember what he said? Quote: You can use my words against me. There will be no Supreme Court Justice in the final year of a president’s term.”

No, nobody forgot what they said. We heard you. We saw you. We knew then and we know now that you were lying to the American people.

That is why Lindsey Graham will lose in South Carolina. He has no decency, no dignity, and he is a clear and present danger for democracy.

That is why Mitch McConnell will lose in Kentucky. He has no decency, no dignity, and he is a clear and present danger for democracy.

Mitch laughed at the misery of Kentucky, with people going hungry, losing their jobs, and family members infected and dying from Covid-19 while he refuses to lift a finger to help the American people.

No relief for the American people.

No relief for Pennsylvania.

No relief for South Carolina.

Contrast that with the Supreme Court nomination of ACB, nominated even before RBG corpse was cold, and rammed through in lighning speed and a sense of urgency that is pathetically immoral, indecent, and begs the question:

What about the American people? What about our problems?

In this precise moment, President Trump and the Republican party are packing the Supreme Court in order to take away health care from the American people.

How does taking away health care help the American people?

After health care?

What else do the Republicans want to take away from America?

Do not be fooled. They are coming for Medicaid and Social Security.

So, please understand what I mean when I ask you to apply the 3D test to your ballot.

Where do you find democracy? => The Democratic candidate.

Where do you find decency? => The Democratic candidate.

Where do you find dignity? => The Democratic candidate.

So, it is simple. If you love America, then vote for the democratic candidate.

Your vote will help to save America from Donald Trump and the Republicans.

When you stand in long lines, thank the Republicans for that.

Get in line to vote and Stay in line until you vote!

They are anti-democratic. They know they will lose if we vote.

Republicans hate democracy.

Disenfranchisement is their battle cry.

Long, insanely long line of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 hours is their doing.

They do not care that the right to vote is enshrined in the constitution.

The right to vote is your sacred right, and they have no problem denying you your right.

So, I did not have to stand in line for 8 or 9 or 10 hours. Not here in Santiago, Chile.

However, I am not ashamed to say that voting from abroad was comfortable for me. I voted with absolutely no extra added discomfort.

I exercised my right to vote with joy and pleasure and in comfort.

There were no long lines. Not in Chile.

Nobody here is interested in stopping me from voting.

There are no white supremacist groups to be afraid of.

There are no Trump supporters to avoid on my way to the polls.

Nobody here is trying to discourage me from voting in any way.

My voting experience should be the norm for every American citizen all over the world, in every American state and in every nook and cranny of this world and even in space.

Finally, I urge you to vote. Vote for democracy, decency, and dignity. Vote for America. Do whatever it takes, stand in lines for long hours, stand in the rain, the sun, the snow, but in a determined way, get the job done.

Vote to save America.

Voting is the Super Power of Democracy. It is the American way to get rid of tyrants and would-be dictators and those Republicans who are anti-democracy, indecent, and undignified.

Vote like your life depends on it.

Open up a Large Can of WhoopAss on Donald Trump and the Republican Party (vote).

To close, I offer these Seamus Heaney lines frequently quoted by Joe Biden:

“History says,

Don’t hope

On this side of the grave,

But then, once in a lifetime

The longed-for tidal wave

Of justice can rise up

And hope and history rhyme”

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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