Research Methods and Research Methodology???

Professor Laura Killam

Research methods and research methodology are related but distinct concepts in the realm of academic inquiry:

Professor Killam at devfest2023
  1. Research Methods: These refer to the specific techniques, procedures, or tools that researchers use to gather and analyze data. Research methods can vary widely depending on the nature of the research question, the discipline, and the available resources. Examples of research methods include experiments, surveys, interviews, case studies, and observational studies.
  2. Research Methodology: This refers to the overall approach or framework that guides the entire research process. It encompasses the theoretical perspective, the philosophical assumptions, and the principles that underpin the research design and the choice of specific methods. Methodology is concerned with the logic of the research process, including the formulation of research questions, the selection of appropriate methods, the interpretation of findings, and the drawing of conclusions.

In essence, research methodology provides the overarching structure and rationale for how research is conducted, while research methods are the specific techniques and tools employed within that framework.

Research is rooted in philosophical beliefs about values, concepts, and the nature of knowledge. In order to appreciate these philosophical beliefs, several key concepts and terms require consideration and understanding.

Complicating the novice researcher’s understanding of these ideas is the unfortunate reality that existing definitions can be confusing. This situation can leave students feeling overwhelmed and confused.

The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of major inquiry or research paradigms in a simplified way. The terms discussed in this book include, but are not limited to:

• Paradigm
• Axiology
• Ontology
• Epistemology
• Methodology
• Paradigm shift
• Positivism
• Modernism
• Post-modernism
• Post-positivism
• Critical Theory
• Constructivism

Keep in mind that the terms covered in this book are often debated, understood, and communicated in multiple “correct” ways. Also, due to the evolving nature of knowledge and diverse perspectives within the literature, this book serves as an introduction to research terminology that will help you understand, follow, and even participate in this debate.

This book will be particularly useful to nursing students who are learning about nursing inquiry. Nursing is a field in which inquiry skills are integral to the development of best evidence and furthering of the profession as a whole.

About profesorbaker

Thomas Baker is the Past-President of TESOL Chile (2010-2011). He enjoys writing about a wide variety of topics. The source and inspiration for his writing comes from his family.
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