Tag Archives: the

Best universities in the United States 2016

Thinking about studying in the USA can be overwhelming, especially since there are so many options of where to study in the United States. We are currently in the process of launching our own bespoke US college ranking, due for … Continue reading

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To be or not to be? (Verbo “to be”) ¿cómo usarlo bien? (Show Me The Money)

por Edgardo Figueroa Fuente: http://bit.ly/rje9Qq Verbo To Be, ¿cómo usarlo bien? Cuando William Shakespeare pensó en sus inmortales versos to be or not to be en realidad tenía en mente algo distinto a lo que nosotros entendemos cuando leemos “ser … Continue reading

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Mind The Gap

The most famous tube announcement of all time. This announcement is still being used on the northbound Northern line platform at Embankment station. The “stand clear of the closing doors” bit though is not used which is a pity.

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John F. Kennedy: “We Choose to Go to The Moon… Not Because It Is Easy… But Because it is Hard!”

President Pitzer, Mr. Vice President, Governor, Congressman Thomas, Senator Wiley, and Congressman Miller, Mr. Webb, Mr. Bell, scientists, distinguished guests, and ladies and gentlemen: I appreciate your president having made me an honorary visiting professor, and I will assure you … Continue reading

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The American Dream – Who’s Dreaming Now?

Do you dream dreams? America once dreamed dreams of all things wonderful. Nowadays, in the USA, the only dreamers who still have dreams are either working on Wall Street, or working in a bank. That’s kinda strange because, correct if … Continue reading

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Change The World – Just An Empty Phrase? Let’s Change The World!

How many times have you read or heard the phrase, “Change the World”? A thousand? A hundred-thousand? A million? A billion? Have we used it so much, over and over again, that there is no common understanding anymore of what … Continue reading

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