Tag Archives: blogger

Liverpool Online Registered Blogger: British Council IATEFL Chile Week 2013

Liverpool Online Registered Bloggers No, I’m not on double duty, nor am I doing a double shift. Yes, I was (am) a Registered Blogger for Liverpool Online (IATEFL Conference). Yes, this is the third blog post about IATEFL Chile’s 2013 … Continue reading

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Liverpool Online Registered Bloggers: The 47th Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition

#IATEFL is approaching. What can you expect from #IATEFL Online? Watch our ‘Voices’ video to find out bit.ly/WELz3N#tesol — IATEFL Online (@iateflonline) March 26, 2013 ** Thanks 2 all #ELTbloggers who already applied to become #IATEFL Online Registered Bloggers We’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Education Technology, EFL, Higher Education Teaching & Learning, Interviews, Reflections, Research, Teaching Tips, TEFL Employment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meet My Publisher: Createspace

Publish Your Words, Your Way That’s the motto of CreateSpace, my publisher. In one week, I became a three time published author: Teaching Debate in Chile Teaching Academic Writing Celestial Games: The First Pot of Gold I still can’t believe … Continue reading

Posted in Connectivism, Culture, Education, Education Technology, EFL, Higher Education Teaching & Learning, Reading, Reflections, Research, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Blogs in the ESL Classroom: Is This A Good Way To Learn English?

Description: This is a video-interview of my ESL students in the ESL Program at The University of Mississippi. At the end of the fall semester 2007 they had to create their own blogs and share their videos, pictures and culture … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Education, Education Technology, EFL, Research, Teaching Tips | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Voluntaria Angloparlante de Iquique crea Blog sobre sus actividades en clases

Fuente: MINEDUC – Programa Inglés Abre Puertas http://tinyurl.com/6hfg9jk Fanny Rocheteau-Robinson es una de las voluntarias del Programa Inglés Abre Puertas, que apoya la enseñanza del inglés en el Liceo Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 18 / mayo / 2011 Fanny Rocheteau-Robinson llegó … Continue reading

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Why I Blog #CCK11 #ELTchat #ukedchat

Why do I blog? I never thought about it before this moment. It’s a great question for me. You see, I would describe myself as a blogger. So, why am I blogging? I think that at first, I just wanted … Continue reading

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Blogs in Plain English for EFL Students

Have you tried using blogs with your EFL / ELT students? It will provide your students with engagement with English, outside of the classroom, in all four language skills. I have heard of teachers who are using Blogs with students … Continue reading

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